Your lobby is the most important staging ground for the security of your business. It is the first point of contact whenever a customer visits your office. So, your lobby security is your company’s first defensive line to promote safety and prevent theft and corporate espionage.

At Integrated Access Security, we understand your needs when it comes to lobby security. We provide top-of-the-line security options for business owners across the Peninsula. Here are some tips and tricks when it comes to securing your office’s lobby.

What Can Make Lobby Security Difficult?

Since your lobby is the first thing visitors see when they enter your office, you want it to look sharp. You only have one opportunity to make a first impression, but that doesn’t mean you need to neglect security for aesthetics.

There are many security cameras on the market that have sleek, fashionable designs. These cameras will not only make things difficult for would-be troublemakers, they will also blend into your decor.

Front desk position is also a bit of a challenge when it comes to a lobby. You always want your reception desk to have a full view of your business’ entrance. However, it should also be a sufficient barrier between visitors and your reception staff. There are a few ways to handle this issue:

  1. Create a dividing wall between the reception desk and the visiting area. This will allow for a clear separation between your staff and visitors.
  2. Place the reception desk on a raised platform. This will make the reception desk prominent while still providing the necessary separation. It will also help the receptionist keep a clear view of the entire waiting area.
  3. Use a larger desk, perhaps with a raised section between the visitor and receptionist. Once again, this helps separate staff from guests.

What Are the Best Tips to Improve Lobby Security?

Most offices have various entry points, but visitors to your business should only have one point of access, your lobby. Access security options such as ID badges, smart locks or combination locks will help in this regard. Employees should have the proper credentials to get past these locking mechanisms, but guests should not. That means explaining to your employees that all guests enter at the front desk and no one should prop the door open for anyone else.

At the reception desk, have your visitors sign in. There are both physical and digital ways to sign in, though digital methods are better at preserving privacy. You should give out any waivers or privacy paperwork required for guests at this point. You may also consider providing guests with visitor badges. This badge will let your employees easily identify staffers versus visitors. It will also help them quickly identify if unauthorized persons are in a restricted area. Include the name, a photo, and date of visit on each visitor’s badge.

Lastly, make sure your reception staff can identify suspicious behavior. This training includes emergency plans, risk assessment and any other skills a receptionist will need to be the gatekeepers of your office. Be sure to evaluate what the biggest security risks are for your type of office. It will help you determine what behaviors your reception staff needs to keep an eye on.

Rely on Our Lobby Security Specialist to Help Secure Your Company

There are many more ways to help secure your office. At Integrated Access Security, our security technicians have over 50 years of combined experience securing businesses. We can help you find and utilize the best tools for your business. Whether those tools include access control, intrusion detection, CCTV or system integration, we are the experts who can help. Call (650) 299-9345 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation today.